Art by Pixiv User 4657383

The Great Unifier

Sirius Eisner
[Archbishop of the Church of Seiros]

Art by mami (apsaras)


Born to Jeralt and Sitri Eisner, Sirius spent his youth on the road with his father. He was raised as a mercenary, fighting to make ends meet. With a stunted sense of emotions due to Jeralt's distant parenting methods and their physical lack of a heartbeat, he gained a reputation as a merciless warrior, the Ashen Demon.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

After a chance encounter with students from the Officer's Academy who are pursued by thieves lead by the Iron King Kostas. When the bandits are routed, he and his father are brought to Garreg Mach Monastery at the behest of the Knights of Seiros. Jeralt returns to his service in the knights, and Sirius is enlisted as a professor at the academy.

Cindered Shadows

During the preparation for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion (Chapter 7), Sirius and several students from Garreg Mach discover an entrance to Abyss. They become wrapped up in a conspiracy involving one of the Church of Seiros' Cardinals, and get the aid of a group calling themselves the Ashen Wolves. After the debacle that ensues, the Wolves are given permission to join Sirius' class on the surface.Three months later (Chapter 11), Claude calls Sirius, Edelgard, Dimitri, and Yuri to a meeting in the Shadow Library within Abyss. He'd been researching the texts available here, and came find several disturbing passages. Not only had the Church partaken in much historical revisionism, but another organization had been working in the shadows to manipulate every corner of Fódlan. Their actions had spurred on the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, the Crescent Moon War, and even the Tragedy of Duscur. While Dimitri and Claude discuss further, Edelgard sees this as an opportunity to change her plans. Seeing as Sirius was set to replace the Archbishop and agreed on a need for reforms within the Church, she could focus on eliminating Those Who Slither in the Dark. Edelgard divulges her past and childhood experiences, clearing the air and ensuring she would receive the support of her allies. After their meeting, Sirius accompanies her to Enbarr, and she succeeds Ionius as Emperor of Adrestia. The planned raid on the Holy Tomb is called off, but when the day arrives, still occurs. Rather than Edelgard spearheading the attack, it is her uncle Volkhard von Arundel.He proclaims that Edelgard has made an illegitimate vie for power, and is subverting the Empire's interests at the behest of the church. In addition, he claims that his step-brother Ionius had passed away without naming her successor, a lie she could not protest as he used it to rally the public in the weeks after she returned to the Monastery. Regent Arundel fails to claim the contents of the tomb, and the Empire withdraws to formally declare war and mount a full scale assault on the Monastery in the Great Tree Moon of 1181. Those loyal to Edelgard defect from the Empire, including Jeritza von Hrym, Count Bergliez, Count Hevring, Ladislava, and Duke Gerth. Randolph von Bergliez is made count in his Step Brother's place, and Domestic Affairs are absorbed into the Regent's wheelhouse.At the end of the month, Arundel leads his forces to Garreg Mach. During the chaos of the battle, Rhea transforms into a vast white dragon, and both she and Sirius vanish. The Monastery is eventually abandoned in the face of overwhelming enemy troops, and true War begins. Edelgard and her faction leave to the Alliance, to defend the Great Bridge of Myrrdin and seek out the operations of Those Who Slither in the Dark. In the Kingdom, Duke Rufus begins a power struggle over the right to the throne, and the Western Lords rally behind him. Dimitri and the Blue Lions along with the Knights of Seiros do their best to maintain order within the eastern Kingdom, but their former countrymen are aided by the Empire and bring the conflict into a long stalemate. The Alliance themselves are not able to provide aide on either front, as attacks on Fódlan's Throat become relentless and overwhelming at the behest of the Almyran Prince Shahid. With conflict on all fronts, a long and bloody conflict ensues.The Ashen Wolves remained at Garreg Mach throughout the years of war, keeping Abyss and it's residents safe and supplied. They searched for Sirius in the Chasm of the Bound where he seemingly fell, but only found his dagger. After a long slumber, Sirius awoke in the same chamber in Abyss where his mother's suspended body had rested for nearly two decades. He's unsure how he ended up there, but found a Valerian flower tucked into his coat when he awoke. It seems to have been stopped in time, like him. Sirius met up with the Ashen Wolves and climbed to the surface, finding the Monastery in disrepair. They fight off some bandits lead by Pallardó, and Sirius is given the rundown on what he missed. Afterwards, they set out to turn the tides of war. Joining with the Knights of Seiros, Ashe, Hilda, and Linhardt, Sirius leads his army to push out the Almyran Invasion once and for all. Once the border is safe, Claude is able to redirect a portion of his forces to the Great Bridge, and free up the Black Eagles to join with them. Counts Hevring and Bergliez begin a push across the bridge to lay siege to Fort Merceus. The main force marches to Faerghus to join up with Dimitri and the remaining Knights of Seiros, and retake the Western half of the Kingdom. Dimitri slays Rufus and is properly crowned as King, and Arianrhod falls to the army's combined might. The battle to reach Enbarr is hard fought, and the battle with Arundel is even tougher. In the end, his disguise is dispelled, and Thales is forced to escape to his true base of operations. The Empire is retaken, and Thales' manipulation of the masses is revealed. The last step is to take on the Agarthans directly. After restocking and recovering at Garreg Mach, the army marches across the Caledonian Plateau.They fight through the revived Ten Elites and Nemesis, whom the Agarthans sent to meet the opposing army. The final battle takes place in Shambhala, where Thales has kept Rhea and experimented on her to take control of her power. Once the corrupted Immaculate One is defeated and Thales is slain, there can finally be peace. A grand celebration is held at Garreg Mach, and Claude announces his resignation as leader of the Alliance, naming Judith as his successor. He has another land to take care of. Rhea officially passes her title as Archbishop to Sirius, retiring do to her lack of strength after everything that happened. Dimitri, Edelgard, and Judith agree to work together with all of their allies to make Fódlan a better place, where people can rise from their own merits. Sirius meanwhile vows to right the wrongs of the past, now that the Agarthans are no more. He'll let the continent's true history be released to the public to the best of his ability, and provide support to all who need it. There's much work ahead for everyone.In this "Unified" route, all playable characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses are recruited. This is Sirius' default timeline, and what unmarked posts can be assumed to be in reference to.

Silver Snow

When Edelgard declares war on the Church by raiding the holy tomb, Sirius and the Black Eagles reject her offer and fight against her.In addition to the initial members of the Black Eagles, Leonie, Mercedes, and Lysithea were recruited during the Academy Phase. Ashe and Lorenz are recruited during the War Phase.
Hubert and Edelgard are slain.

Azure Moon

In addition to the initial members of the Blue Lions, Dorothea, Marianne, and the Church Staff were recruited during the Academy Phase.
Petra, Bernadetta, Lysithea, Ignatz, Raphael, Linhardt, and Dorothea are spared while Ferdinand, Hubert, and Edelgard are slain.

Verdant Wind

In addition to the initial members of the Golden Deer, Linhardt, Felix, and the Church Staff are recruited.
Ashe, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Mercedes, Rodrigue, Dedue, are spared while Ferdinand, Caspar, Petra, Hubert, and Edelgard are slain.

Crimson Flower

In addition to the initial members of the Black Eagles, Leonie, Mercedes, Felix, Shamir, Hanneman, and Manuela were recruited during the Academy Phase. Lysithea and Lorenz were recruited during the War Phase.
Ignatz, Claude, Hilda, Flayn, Seteth, Ingrid, Ashe, and Annette are spared throughout the course of the campaign, while Alois, Dedue, Sylvain, Gilbert, Cyril, and Catherine are slain.

After Three Houses

After the War in all routes, Sirius retires the Sword of the Creator, and does his best to round up the rest of the Heroes Relics. To aide in their defenses in the absence of the relics, the Kingdom receives Gradivus and Mercurius, while the Alliance receives Parthia and Hauteclere. Sirius himself uses his father's old Knight Captain's Sword, and the Sword of Seiros. The Relics are placed in the Holy Tomb, with the rest of the Nabatean remains.Garreg Mach, whether it remains as the Central Church or not, becomes a hub for humanitarian aide above all else. The Knights of Seiros are largely disbanded, only maintaining a force that can protect the Monastery itself.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Jeralt's Mercenaries battle with a rival company in 1179, in which most of their major members save Shez are slain. This proves to have major consequences, with Shez intercepting the noble students of the Officer's Academy and being brought to Garreg Mach rather than Sirius and Jeralt. Instead, the mercenaries continue their work as conflict slowly spreads around Fodlan, until war eventually breaks out in 1182.Jeralt's Mercenaries are contracted by multiple employers throughout the war, end eventually admit defeat after being out maneuvered by Shez time and time again. They are willing to join up with the army that's nearly run them out of business, given proper compensation.

Art by nakapipo


Trivia and headcanons about Sirius.• Sothis is named after the Egyptian Goddess Sopdet, who is the personification of the star Sirius. Thus, Sirius is the Fell Star, and the namesake of this Byleth.• His birthday is September 20th, the canonical date of Sitri's death. Prior to learning this, he never celebrated his birthday.• While comatose after the battle of Garreg Mach, Sirius was in stasis similar to Sitri's corpse. Thus, he did not physically age over the five years and remained 21.


Sirius most often uses the Enlightened One or Holy Knight classes in battle.
In Crimson Flower, he uses the Mortal Savant class instead, as he sided against the Church.

SwordSWrath Strike, Grounder, Bane of Monsters, Axebreaker, Windsweep, Sword Critical +10
LanceC+Tempest Lance, Knightkneeler
AxeBSmash, Helmsplitter, Lancebreaker
BowCCurved Shot, Close Counter
BrawlB+Fading Blow, Rushing Blow, Draining Blow, Healing Focus, Mystic Blow
ReasonCFire, Thunder, Bolganone
FaithAHeal, Nosferatu, Recover, Aura, White Magic Avo +20
AuthoritySBattalion Vantage, Model Leader, Defensive Tactics, Battalion Desperation, Rally Movement
ArmorCWeight -3
RidingA+Dexterity +4, Movement +1
Enlightened OneUnique
Armored KnightIntermediate 
War MonkSpecial 
Holy KnightMaster

Art by Pixiv User 4657383


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